Archie Elliott, guinea pig and esteemed member of the Elliott household, has peacefully passed away following a short illness.

Archie joined his humans on 28 February 2020 and departed this life 28 July 2023, leaving a lasting paw print on all who had the privilege of knowing him.

Early beginnings

On first coming home to live with his humans, Archie’s inquisitive and persistent nature shone through. Still small, he nearly managed to squeeze his tiny body through the wire frame that was meant to give his new brother Jack time to adjust to him. This spirited endeavour hinted at the determined character he would grow to be.

Archie is hid behind a barrier, and Jack is the other side. Jack is very small and looks very eager to meet his new brother
Waiting impatiently to meet Jack

Archie, often a happy boy, had a pronounced sense of joy and love for life. Even in occasional moments of minor upset, Archie was quick to return to his happy, bubbly self.

Discerning taste

His tastes in food and drink were refined, readily imbibing Guinea Pig ‘gin’ and displaying distaste for any hay which was not the finest or the most expensive; despite his human’s best attempts, they often could not provide this due to ongoing supply chain issues.

His fondness for vegetables, especially carrots, led to a period of his life where he was noticeably more rotund until a gentle change in his diet by his humans saw him become more trim. 

Archie fighting for kale from his brother Jack. Archie is noticeably smaller than Jack, and has brown and white fur, whereas Archie has black and white fur.
Archie fighting for kale from his brother Jack

One of his most endearing quirks was his unique way of relaxing after eating (which before his illness was nearly constant), when he resembled a puddle.

Brother and friend to Jack

Archie is survived by his older brother, Jack, a constant companion in his life. They shared innumerable moments of peace together, often instigated by Archie, who could be observed to surreptitiously creep up beside him. 

As he matured, it was a delight for Archie to find his own voice, adding his softer squeaks to Jack’s louder calls at meal times, creating a (sometimes) harmonious cacophony in their home.

Archie Elliott, though small in size, had a personality that was larger than life itself. His memory, alive with joy, affection, and a passion for life’s finer things, will remain for many years to come.

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