About Victoria

I’m Victoria Elliott, and I’m based in Edinburgh. I’m passionate about digital, faith and equality

Digital communications

I’ve several years’ experience in digital communications and currently work as a Senior Content Designer in the public sector. 

Outside of work I provide voluntary digital communications support and guidance to a number of faith organisations.


Photography is a big creative outlet for me. I’ve got into it more seriously in the last few years. I love learning new things and honing my technique.

I’ve recently been undertaking photography short courses at the University of Edinburgh, where I’ve learnt about portraiture, street photography and still life. I’ve now also (more or less) fully transitioned to only taking fully manual images!


Equality is massively important to me – and drives much of what I do. As an LGBT woman diagnosed with ADHD I know something of what it means to be on the margins. The intrinsic value of everyone – no matter who they are – is a key part of my faith. 


Faith is a core part of who am. I studied Theology at University, and am an active member of the Scottish Episcopal Church. I’m currently involved on a number of Scottish Episcopal Church committees, including the Faith and Order Board and its national decision making body, General Synod.