Digital communications

Digital communications support

I provide voluntary digital communcations support to several smaller organisations. This includes:

  • advice on website design and maintenance
  • provide guidance on digital channels strategy
  • digital content redevelopment
  • creating and editing visuals through photography and graphic design software

Communications support provided

Live-streamed worship coordinator | St Mary’s Episcopal Cathedral, Edinburgh | 2020 to present

Set up and ongoing coordination of live-streamed services. This has involved:

  • establishing processes and training to ensure high-quality online worship
  • building a team to operate the equipment weekly
  • giving advice on procuring AV equipment
  • monitoring engagement and liaising with key stakeholders about the strategic direction of the live stream
  • preparing eye-catching thumbnails and stills for each week’s theme 
At the live stream console
At the live stream console

Improvements to diocesan communications | Diocese of Edinburgh | 2021 to 2022

I led the recruitment of a new Communications Officer to improve the communications function within the diocese. As part of this, I:

  • consulted key stakeholders to identify issues
  • revised the job description to redefine the role’s scope and align it with industry practice
  • selected, interviewed, onboarded, and coached the new post holder

These improvements led to the diocese’s communications function being more responsive and focussed.

Event photography | 2019 to present

I’m often asked to take photographs for key events, which is then used for social media, newsletters and websites. Some of my recent work is below.

Book launch event | Liz Shercliff | 2020

I was responsible for the marketing of a sell-out Scottish book-launch of ‘Preaching Women’. This included:

  • designing materials for print online
  • liaising with printing suppliers
  • obtaining support from the local Christian bookshop
  • asking key contacts at the Church of Scotland and the Scottish Episcopal Church to advertise through their channels
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Member of Communications Committee | Old Saint Paul’s Episcopal Church | 2016 to 2020

During this time I:

  • led on the development of a new website
  • designed, implemented and produced a new monthly enewsletter
  • maintained social media accounts
  • used stock images and my own photography to design bespoke artwork using Photoshop, Canva and InDesign

Whilst leading on the redevelopment of the website,  I worked with suppliers to develop a new site which is user friendly and engaging, with an eye to drawing in potential new members.

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