Digital communications

Digital and faith

As a person of faith, it’s important to me to offer my digital skills to support the church’s mission and ministry – in helping to make faith attractive, as well as enabling people to live out their faith through worship and their day to day lives.

Online is a place where people are, as much as in person – and this has only accelerated through the pandemic.

Live-streaming services

I currently operate live-stream equipment most Sunday mornings at St Mary’s Episcopal Cathedral Edinburgh, which goes out on the Cathedral’s YouTube Channel.

Digital Labs Live

In 2018, I was chosen to attend the Church of England’s Digital Labs Live, which was held in Manchester. This was a great weekend of working with fellow Christian content creators and techies to work on practical-based projects. My team worked on a proposed app to allow you to search and find different ways of praying digitally. Our team didn’t win, but we had great fun, and I learnt a lot! 

Digital theology

As well as using my digital skills to support the life of the church, I’m also interested in the interface between digital and theology. As a new medium, how does this affect how we make sense of and relate to God?