Voluntary work

Digital communications support

I voluntarily support various organisations with digital communications, offering website design advice, digital strategy, content redevelopment, and creating visuals through photography and graphic design. 

This has included coordinating live-streamed worship at St Mary’s Episcopal Cathedral, developing the Diocese of Edinburgh’s communications and event photography.

View digital communications support given

Scottish Episcopal Church boards and committees

I am a member of a several local and national committees within the Scottish Episcopal Church. All of these positions are voluntary.

National committees

Liturgy Committee | Scottish Episcopal Church | 2023 to present

Committee responsible for the review and development of worship and liturgical material within the Scottish Episcopal Church. Specific contributions include proof reading and development of feedback forms.

Faith and Order Board | Scottish Episcopal Church | 2019 to present

National board of the Scottish Episcopal Church, with strategic oversight and coordination of activities and committees falling under the board’s remit.

General Synod | Scottish Episcopal Church | 2017 to present

The Scottish Episcopal Church’s national parliament. Speeches given on a variety of topics including disability and inclusion and equal marriage.

Local committees

Standing Committee | Diocese of Edinburgh | 2017 to present

Charity trustee and member of committee providing strategic oversight of activities across the diocese.

Diocesan Synod | Diocese of Edinburgh | 2013 to present

Lay member of Edinburgh Diocesan Synod.

East Edinburgh Area Council | Diocese of Edinburgh | 2013 to 2017

Area Council is an intermediary body between Diocese and congregations. I was latterly convener for two years.

Vestry member | Old Saint Paul’s Episcopal Church | 2013 to 2017

Charity trustee for the congregation, elected as lay representative to attend Area Council and Diocesan Synod on behalf of the congregation.