
For me it’s hugely important to remove the barriers that prevent people from thriving and flourishing, and those which cause harm. This is reflected in the work I do in content design in building accessible content for all, and in my previous role as a nurse.

As an LGBT woman with ADHD, I have experienced some of these barriers. This includes my experiences of coming out, as well as growing up with undiagnosed ADHD.


I am very fortunate to be in a place now where I’ve made peace with the difficulties I’ve faced, and see my experiences as strengths in who I am today. This is largely down to a hugely supportive and inspiring bunch of people who have championed me and believed in me, and given me opportunities.

I see part of my role now to pay it forward – to inspire and encourage others, as well as shedding light on injustices, particularly where they are covert or hidden.