
I’ve been a Christian all my life, and was brought up in a Christian family. Some of my earliest memories of church are of happily dancing away to worship music, and later being a server and singing in the choir.


As a clergy daughter, I was introduced to theology from quite a young age, and particularly enjoyed debating it with my father. I studied theology for A-Level and subsequently at degree level. At university I particularly enjoyed church history, philosophy of religion, and ethics.

I’ve continued my love of theology beyond my university days. Primarily this finds its expression through membership of a number of Scottish Episcopal Church boards and committees.

I’ve also greatly enjoyed plugging into digital theology networks within the UK, where I’ve been fortunate to link up with people who are passionate about the role of digital and faith, as well as thinking through what it means from a theological perspective.

View reflection on digital prayer produced for Premier digital

What faith means to me

What draws me to faith as an adult? Ultimately it’s down to love – God’s love in all its fullness. This isn’t just something which is theoretical, but it’s also something that is fully lived out and experienced practically in our day-to-day lives.

So whilst I enjoy learning and thinking about God theologically, it’s the application of that as a Christian which really interests me. ‘Application’ isn’t just about what we do as Christians, but also who we are, and how we relate to God and our fellow human beings.

The ultimate question for me is: how best can we live out God in our lives, so that others might know and encounter God’s love?